Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMNHPH’ (LITTLE LIME® PUNCH)
Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMNHPH’ (LITTLE LIME® PUNCH) has lime green flowers that fade to red. New flowers continue to appear throughout the season, giving a nice mix of pink, white, red and lime green flowers. LITTLE LIME® PUNCH blooms from July to October and grows to about 100 cm high and is compact growing. Hydrangea paniculata […]
Buddleja davidii ‘SMNBDD’ (RUBY CHIP)
Buddleja davidii ‘SMNBDD’ (RUBY CHIP) is a beautiful addition to the Buddleja Chip® series. RUBY CHIP combines the low-growing habit with very colorful ruby-pink flowers. The butterfly bush blooms all summer long with wonderfully fragrant flowers. Very suitable for a border or public greenery. RUBY CHIP is a non-sowing Buddleja, this is scientifically researched at […]
Clematis ‘Zo18197’ (VIVA LA VIDA)
Clematis ‘Zo18197’ (VIVA LA VIDA) has a very long flowering period, from spring to late summer. The flowering is rich and exuberant with purple flowers with a purple-red stripe. The flower diameter is 10 to 12 cm and the plant grows to about 200 cm high. The plant is available from September for garden centers […]
Clematis ‘Zo18179’ (PROUD MARY)
Clematis ‘Zo18179’ (PROUD MARY) flowers very richly and compactly on both old and fresh wood. The flowers are 8 to 10 cm in diameter and the plant grows to about 150 cm high. The flower color is light purple with a purple-red center. A special feature is that the plant blooms from the bottom up. […]
Lavandula stoechas ‘Dolavladibini’ (LA DIVA BIG NIGHT)
Lavandula stoechas ‘Dolavladibini’ (LA DIVA BIG NIGHT) is a stoechas Lavandula variety under the umbrella of the Dümmen Orange LaDiva concept. The plant has a compact and sturdy plant structure. The crop has an interesting and attractive color. LA DIVA BIG NIGHT produces many flowers with short stocky stems and has a dark colored purple […]
Gaillardia aristata ‘Dogailspinman’ (SPINTOP MANGO)
Gaillardia aristata ‘Dogailspinman’ (SPINTOP MANGO) is a new color addition to Dümmen Orange’s SpinTop Gaillardia range. It has a compact growth habit, stands firmly on the pot and blooms with large and attractive flowers that are orange in color. Flowering starts in June and coincides with the other varieties within the SpinTop collection. The plant […]
Gaillardia aristata ‘Dogailspinman’ (SPINTOP MANGO)
Gaillardia aristata ‘Dogailspinman’ (SPINTOP MANGO) is a new color addition to Dümmen Orange’s SpinTop Gaillardia range. It has a compact growth habit, stands firmly on the pot and blooms with large and attractive flowers that are orange in color. Flowering starts in June and coincides with the other varieties within the SpinTop collection. The plant […]
Buddleja ‘Butterfly Candy Little Ruby’ Most popular novelty 2021
For the first time, GROEN-Direkt hosted the official novelty inspection of Stichting Vakbeurs voor de Boomkwekerij. Over 27 lots were judged on the first exhibition day by the expert judging committee of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Boskoopse Culturen (KVBC). In the end, Buddleja ‘Butterfly Candy Little Ruby’ was crowned the best novelty of 2021.
Heuchera ‘Timeless Night’
Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia Ophelia’