Per 06-01-25, there will be a relabeling campaign from the container centers. The TAG5 label (green) will then be replaced by the TAG6 label (yellow).
As of 06-01-25, the CC-TAG6 carts will be put into use. As of this day, we will prepare all orders/carts with the new CC TAG6 label. This therefore also means that as of this day, all carts unloaded at our premises must be labelled with the CC TAG6 label.
Do you have carts to return?
These can still be physically unloaded with us until Friday, December 13 at the latest. Or you can book the old TAG5 carts before 05-01-25 at our Flora Holland number 72162.
After that, all TAG5 carts will be registered as CC OLD. If we have not received the TAG5 carts back after 28-02-2025, we have the right to invoice you for the outstanding balance.
More information about the relabeling campaign can be found on the Container Centers website.