Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmacseven’ (FIRST EDITIONS® ECLIPSE®)

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmacseven’ (FIRST EDITIONS® ECLIPSE®) – First Editions® Licensed growers supported by Bailey Nurseries Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmacseven’ (FIRST EDITIONS® ECLIPSE®) is distinguished by its intensely dark purple leaves, which remain dark throughout the growing season, even in sunny warm climates.
The beautiful cranberry-colored or dark purple flowers grow on old wood and also on new branches.
FIRST EDITIONS® ECLIPSE® has strong disease resistance to mildew and Cercospora leaf spot disease, among others.
The mature height and width of FIRST EDITIONS® ECLIPSE® is 90-150 cm.
This hydrangea is a real eye-catcher in the garden and also looks impressive in a decorative pot.
The plant comes in a striking purple pot with a vibrant orange label.
This makes FIRST EDITIONS® ECLIPSE® a real eye-catcher.
Pots for mature plants usually start at 3 liters for optimal growth.
In all POS material, shadows play and central role.
The silhouette of ECLIPSE® literally reflects the experience of a solar eclipse and exudes class and joy.
The POS material is available in several languages and designed to whet the appetite for buying.
ECLIPSE® is part of the First Editions® collection.
The brand stands for “Good gardens great life™.
Diverse shrubs form the structural basis of any garden, matching every style and application.
A green paradise contributes to both physical and mental well-being and supports a balanced ecosystem for animals.
In short, Good Gardens Great Life™.

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This statement states how GROEN-Direkt deals with the privacy of its business relations.
GROEN-Direkt Boskoop B.V. is located at Noorwegenlaan 37, 2391 PW Hazerswoude-Dorp, the Netherlands and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 29025168.
This Privacy Statement may be amended in the future as required by law or regulation, or as views change.
Even before this statement was drawn up, GROEN-Direkt always handled the personal data of its business relations with care. This statement doesn’t change that beyond the fact that a few aspects are better streamlined in detail.


The surfing behaviour of every visitor to the GROEN-Direkt site is recorded and linked to the IP address. With this, GROEN-Direkt tries to optimize the operation of the site. Your visit to the GROEN-Direkt website is secured with an SSL certificate. The surfing behaviour of visitors who log in with a user name and a password is recorded and linked to the user name.

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If GROEN-Direkt collects and records personal data from you, it will only do so from existing and potential business relations. The purpose of recording these data is to enable business transactions to be carried out and to inform (potential) business relations. GROEN-Direkt frequently informs active relations and periodically informs inactive and potential relations.
Of course, GROEN-Direkt has recorded more data on its employees. Every employee is personally aware of the GROEN-Direkt Privacy Policy on this point and this policy also meets the legal requirements.
Newsletters are sent via Mailchimp. Company name, contact person and email address are automatically stored in Mailchimp.
Your personal data will be further recorded in the GROEN-Direkt database. This database is protected by a password linked to a user. Users are employees of GROEN-Direkt or persons hired on behalf of GROEN-Direkt. The database is protected from external access by security software with recent updates.

Should GROEN-Direkt share personal data with third parties, it will be for the purpose as set out in this statement. We do not share more data than necessary with third parties and we have a Processing Agreement from them. Otherwise, your personal data will not be made available or sold to third parties.
You have the right to inspect your personal data, you can have your personal data adjusted and deleted provided this is not in violation of applicable laws and regulations.
Do you have any questions about the Privacy Policy of GROEN-Direkt? Please send an e-mail to info@groen-direkt.nl. You can also use this e-mail address if you have any questions about your data.